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Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Professional Knowledge Quiz for IBPS SO IT Officer 2017 - MCQ-6

Professional Knowledge Quiz for IBPS SO IT Officer 2017 - MCQ-6

Image result for it officer

Q1. The unit which acts as an intermediate agent between memory and backing store to reduce process time is the cache memory. The reason for the implementation of the cache memory is:
(a) To increase the internal memory of the system
(b) The difference in speeds of operation of the processor and memory
(c) To reduce the memory access and cycle time
(d) To increase the external memory
(e) All of the above

Q2. Which of the following is used to transfer data intended for a peripheral device into a disk so that it can be transmitted to the peripheral device at a more suitable time or in bulk?
(a) Virtual Programming
(b) Multiprogramming
(c) Caching
(d) Multitasking
(e) Spooling

Q3. What happens when you boot up a PC?
(a) A portion of the operating system is copied from disk into memory.
(b) Portions of the operating system are copied from memory into the disk.
(c) Portions of the operating system are compiled.
(d) Portions of the operating system are emulated.
(e) The PC gets switched off.

Q4.The clock rate of the processor can be improved by:
(a)Improving the IC technology of the logic circuits
(b)Reducing the amount of processing done in one step
(c)By using overclocking method
(d)All of the above
(e)None of the above

Q5. When we talk about the 'VLSI AND ULSI' technology in a processor, what is integrated into the processor?
(a) Transistors
(b) Accumulator
(c) Capacitors
(d) Registers
(e) all of the above

Q6. The transfer of large chunks of data without the involvement of the processor is done by _______.
(a) DMA controller
(b) Arbitrator
(c) User system programs
(d) Dispatcher
(e) None of the above

Q7. When Performing a looping operation, the instruction gets stored in the ______ .
(c)System Heap
(d)System stack
(e)None of the above

Q8.The technique used to store programs larger than the memory is ______ .
(b)Extension registers
(d)Both b and c
(e)all of the above

Q9. The address of the next instruction to be executed by the current process is provided by the:
(a) CPU registers
(b) program counter
(c) process stack
(d) pipe
(e) any one of the above

Q10. The objective of multiprogramming is to:
(a) Have some process running at all times
(b) Have multiple programs waiting in a queue ready to run
(c) To minimize CPU utilization
(d) To maximize CPU utilization
(e)Both (a) and (d)


S1. Ans.(b)
Sol. Cache memory also called CPU memory, is random access memory (RAM) that a computer microprocessor can access more quickly than it can access regular RAM. This memory is typically integrated directly with the CPU chip or placed on a separate chip that has a separate bus interconnect with the CPU.

S2. Ans.(e)
Sol. Spooling is a technique to hold data temporarily in the computer memory and provide to devices when they need it. The temporary holding area of the memory is sometimes referred to as the buffer. One common example of spooling is printing, where files are stored in the buffer and sent to the printer when it is ready.

S3. Ans.(a)
Sol. At the time of the booting process, all necessary files of the operating system are copied to the main memory (RAM) FROM HARD DISK. These files contain all necessary information to start the computer and initiate the input-output process.

S4. Ans.(d)
Sol. The clock rate(frequency of the processor) is the hardware dependent quantity it is fixed for a given processor

S5. Ans.(e)
Sol. A microprocessor sometimes called a logic chip, is a computer processor on a microchip. The microprocessor contains all, or most of, the central processing unit (CPU) functions and is the "engine" that goes into motion when you turn your computer on

S6. Ans.(a)
Sol. Direct memory access (DMA) is a method that allows an input/output (I/O) device to send or receive data directly to or from the main memory, bypassing the CPU to speed up memory operations. The process is managed by a chip known as a DMA controller (DMAC).

S7. Ans.(b)
Sol. When a looping or branching operation is carried out the offset value is stored in the cache along with the data.

S8. Ans.(a)
Sol. In this, only a part of the program getting executed is stored on the memory and later swapped in for the other part. An embedded system would normally use overlays because of the limitation of physical memory, which is internal memory for a system-on-chip, and the lack of virtual memory facilities

S9. Ans.(b)
Sol. The program counter (PC) holds the address of the next instruction to be executed, while the instruction register (IR) holds the encoded instruction. Upon fetching the instruction, the program counter is incremented by one "address value" (to the location of the next instruction).

S10. Ans.(e)

Sol. CPU utilization refers to a computer's usage of processing resources or the amount of work handled by a CPU. Actual CPU utilization varies depending on the amount and type of managed computing tasks.

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